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Business areas

We give your businesses a boost.

Business areas

In its forty years of business, the studio has grown in parallel with the development of the tourism industry, which is the main source of affluence and wealth in the Badia valley. As such, we count amongst our clients hospitality, commercial and restaurateurs, the self-employed, artisan businesses and non-commercial entities. Our way of operating allows us to create focused advice whose aim is to help the clients grow and continue to improve their businesses. We don't offer standard solutions, instead services which are focused and adjusted in accordance with the specific needs of the client.

In a sector that is in continuous development and is characterised by fierce competition, having a prudent investment strategy along with management controls and transparent accounting are absolutely necessary. We support your business through accurate resource planning, taking accurately into account tax breaks defined by the law and the drafting of business plans which are focused on obtaining the financing. Given that businesses in the tourist sector are often family-run, we are specialised in the management of generational transitions, which can sometimes be delicate and complex. We manage these with competency, organisation and planning.

Our experience is at your service:

  • Complete management of your accounting, tax return and payroll
  • Continued optimisation of social security and tax arrangements
  • Preparation of fundamental business plans for evaluating the investment business case and obtaining financing
  • Assistance and advice with the generational transitions of businesses
  • Support with adapting the business growth through extraordinary transations such as mergers, business transformations and property purchase
  • Accurate and prompt management of tax demands/contributions according to changes in the law
  • Continued assistance not just within the field of accountancy

At same pace that tourism has developed, many artisanal businesses in our region have been created and have developed into reasonably-sized businesses. As a consequence, management needs to be reviewed rigourously and the careful planning of investments in terms of property, especially with regards to the purchase or construction of workshops, is crucial. We work alongside artisan businesses, supplying them with the necessary information to obtain tax breaks, which reduce the financial impact of investments and maximise returns through important financial gains. The complexity and ever-changing nature of VAT mean that constant updates are needed to guarantee daily support to businesses. Considering that artisan businesses are often family-run, we are able to develop and manage the necessary generational transitions which can be delicate in nature and require organisation, competency and planning.

What we do to help artisan businesses develop is the:

  • Complete management of accounting, tax return and payroll
  • Continued optimisation of social security and tax arrangements
  • Study and application of the support packages for investments relating to Industry 4.0 and hyper-depreciation
  • Research and implementation of integated solutions relating to electronic invoicing
  • Preparation of fundamental business plans for evaluating the investment business case and obtaining financing
  • Assistance and consultancy regarding the generational transitions of businesses
  • Support for adapting business growth through extraordinary transactions such as mergers, business transformation and the purchase of property
  • Accurate and prompt management of tax demands/contributions according to changes in the law
  • Continued assistance with routine issues, not just within the field of accountancy

In today's world, setting up a commercial activity requires not only desire, energy and the enthusiasm to face a new challenge, but also compliance with the burocratic paperwork that the law demands. We create a tailored solution for evaluating what type of company works best for the business you want to start, being aware of contract law (even in relation to the property where your business may take place), tax breaks, subsidies and possible financing. In the case of a business which is already up and running successfully, the studio offers 360 degree management of the accounting, financial, tax contributions and social security affairs of the business.

What we do for those who want to start a new business, or strengthen a current business is the:

  • Complete management of your accounting, tax return and payroll
  • Continued optimisation of social security and tax arrangements
  • Drafting of deeds and consultancy regarding commercial leases and business rentals
  • Preparation of fundamental business plans for evaluating the investment business case and obtaining loans
  • Study and implementation of legal agreements/stability between differing business partners
  • Support for adapting business growth through extraordinary transactions such as mergers, business transformation and the purchase of property
  • Accurate and prompt management of tax demands/ contributions according to changes in the law
  • Continued assistance with routine issues, not just within the field of accountancy

We add value to those who create value, with personalised solutions, professionalism and transparency.

Our ethos

We know what it's involved in being self-employed. We know that a diligent professional needs to pay careful attention not just to make sure they are using the most suitable tax system but also to take full advantage of the income gained from their work. We know the law changes continually and we are always on the look-out for the best solutions which allow our clients to make legitimate financial gains. We pay the necessary attention to tax matters, both in terms of the usual compliance and in the medium to long-term planning of pensions.

We are there for you step-by-step with the:

  • Complete management of your accounting, tax return and payroll
  • Continued optimisation of social security and tax arrangements
  • Management of private pension funds
  • Support in the digitalisation of processes such as electronic invoicing
  • Accurate and prompt management of tax demands/contributions according to changes in the law
  • Continued assistance with routine issues, not just within the field of accountancy
  • Assessment of the suitability of the tax system being used

Before tourism radically transformed our local area, agriculture was the most sizeable contributor to the economy of the whole valley. Still today, agriculture represents our culture and our heritage, so it is a sector which is close to our hearts. In today's world the issues relating to this sector are somewhat complex. One only has to think of the ownership of land and the protection of various laws such as wood gathering and common grazing rights. Our studio offers the standard required services in relation to the applicable laws, as well as consultancy which is aimed at assessing the suitability of different financial systems and the accounting/financial optimisation of the businesses who operate in this sector.

What we do to support people who work in agriculture:

  • Complete management of your accounting, tax return and payroll
  • Continued optimisation of social security and tax arrangements
  • Valuation and study of the most suitable accounting/VAT system
  • Continued assistance with routine issues, not just within the field of accountancy

Today not-for-profit organisations are well-established in our local area and they play an important role in cohesion and cultural growth for the common good of the community. The value that these organisations contribute to our society is acknowledged, with current regulations providing favourable finacial arrangements for them. These also require a proper framework and accurate management. Our studio is specialised in this area and can contribute to the development of new initiatives which are so important for our local area.

What we do in concrete terms:

  • Complete management of your accounting, tax return and payroll
  • Continued optimisation of social security and tax arrangements
  • Preparation of certificates of corporation and statutes
  • Support in the digitalisation of processes, starting with electronic invoicing
  • Continued assistance with routine issues, not just within the field of accountancy
We believe in what we do

We turn needs into focused solutions

We want to contribute to the success of those who create value by applying our knowledge in the fields of accounting, tax, employment and corporate affairs with a tailored approach.

A broad range of activities

Whether you are self-employed, a small business or a large company, we know how to help you. A combination of forty years of experience, and a network of specialised colleagues allows us to operate in many different areas with speed and accuracy.

We roll up our sleeves

We are a dynamic, open and innovative team. Our studio is made up of people and not numbers or standarised specifications. Discussion, analysis, study and loyalty are our bread and butter. This allows us to be credible and, above all, to be more than just consultants.